
Changes and features


Database Migration


Migrated the whole database from mysql (PlanetScale) to Sqlite (Turso)

  • Migrated database
  • sqlite does not have the json datatype, found a work around
  • v1.0.12

    Homepage Change


    Preview added in the form, so that users know what they are filling out along with the homepage changes

  • homepage changes
  • preview button on forms
  • created a demo video
  • created a demo form for preview purposes
  • v1.0.11



    Added Google's reCaptcha on to the Contact from page

  • reCaptcha added
  • Updated website to have the newest packages
  • doc page edit
  • v1.0.10

    Product Update


    Started to advertise the application and to do some minor adjustments.

  • Changed it so that mobile users can login into their dashboard previously it was just a blank page
  • Change the price for the product from 50 -> 25
  • Added a description on the home page on how the product works
  • Fixed some typos
  • v1.0.9

    Product Update


    Update to the product page introducing the new connector application, which enables client's submissions from the web portal to be inserted to their database/integrated systems.

  • Connector application is coming up to be in its final stages
  • Application works on the following platforms; Windows, MacOS, Linux
  • Connector has limited databases connection options, right now only 2
  • Updated the product page to show how the connector app looks like
  • v1.0.8a

    Minor Changes


    SEO changes and bug fixes.

  • A lot of SEO changes within pages
  • New fields in the API
  • Login with google for new users, fixed
  • Fixed new user login TOS infinite loop
  • v1.0.8

    St Patrick's Update


    Hope everyone had a splendid holiday while there are some quality of life improvements with this one. Added some nice things features and got rid of some annoying bugs. There will be less updates for the moment as the development of the desktop app is using a lot of resources, stay tuned.

  • New mobile footer UI
  • UI adjustments for different screen sizes (responsiveness)
  • Added video tutorial during setup
  • Issue with Date being displayed weirdly in the submissions, fixed
  • Fixed the background stripe banding issue, fixed
  • New user infinite loop bug, fixed
  • Auth issue with google login was fixed
  • Can view every submission's pdf in the admin submissions view
  • Updated the API so that is shows the newest submissions first
  • Heavily focused on the client side desktop application (WIP)
  • v1.0.7

    Product Page, Hotfixes and Official Subscription payment


    Added the product page contain what the product does and how it works along with some of the features that it provides. Made it so that users can purchase the product now!

  • added the product page
  • Url rendering issues with forms
  • SEO adjustments
  • Changed the overflow with the help text for each field.
  • Mobile responsiveness for the public pages, work in progress for the workspace
  • Added the the creation of a submission within the submissions, its set to show the newest first.
  • Auth issue with google login was fixed
  • Early start on the client side desktop application.
  • v1.0.6

    Hotfixes - Small Changes


    Small changes for around the website, bugs, overflows and other issues.

  • Overflow issue with the dashboard titles.
  • Changed workflow when registering.
  • Added the date of submissions in the submission record as the second last column
  • Changed the overflow with the help text for each field.
  • Changed the issue with the pricing selection renewal double charge.
  • Changed the UI to navigate back to the subscription if already subscription.
  • Added meta tags to all of the public pages.
  • Added the about page.
  • Added footer to all of the public pages.
  • Social media pages attached in the footer
  • Login issue, credential auth issue fixed.
  • v1.0.5

    Revamp - Home page


    Needed to change the home page look more professional.

  • Changed the look of the home page
  • Added a footer
  • Meta tags added for pages
  • sitemap added
  • robots file added
  • v1.0.4

    New Features - Login


    Giving user's the possibility of different ways of login in.

  • Added the credentials login
  • Added the magic link; emails the user with a login link
  • Added the credentials register/signup page
  • Added the forgotten password feature
  • Offering the google sign-in as well
  • v1.0.3

    Added - Subscription Plan


    Users will now be able to increase the limitation of the features that the service provide.

  • Implemented Stripe into Website for payment
  • Added the terms and service, privacy policy and EULA
  • 1 Subscription plan added and the limitations for it
  • The purchase and cancellation of the subscription(s)
  • Limitation and Usage statistics in the settings of the subscription
  • Fixed some spelling mistakes on the website
  • Change the look of the pricing page
  • Fixed the issue with setting up the pdf, was causing errors and was not saving correctly
  • New users will now be presented with TOS and Policy acceptance page
  • v1.0.2

    Revamp - Submissions page


    Giving the Submission page some love and making it twice as effective, making it look and feel modern along with some quality of life utility.

  • Filtration of columns
  • Sharable link to share the same table layout
  • Tables now have pagination
  • Table page sizes; 10,20,30,40,50,100
  • Savable column tables view while leaving the page
  • Management of records
  • State of records; New, Approved, Deny and Pending
  • Deleting a record possible now
  • Updated API to include new statuses
  • v1.0.1

    API, Docs and more


    Launching the first iteration of the API integration along with the documentation on how to implement it and other minor changes.

  • Added Docs
  • API integration with token generation
  • Workflow changes
  • Scaling with other devices changes
  • Elements now follow when form gets too large
  • Unlimited amount of form Elements
  • Added a new Contact Us page
  • v1.0.0

    Official Release - Main Features


    Officially After long development here is the official early stages of PDF fides. The management of the app is only currently available for desktop.

  • PDF setup
  • PDF configuration
  • Form Designer for PDF
  • Tracking submissions
  • Download PDF when done submission
  • Account setup - Only google login as of now
  • Logo

    Fides PDF

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